Geneva College affirms its commitment to promote the goals of fairness and equity in all aspects of the educational enterprise. All sexual misconduct policy violations are subject to resolution using the College’s Sexual Misconduct Equity Resolution Process (SMERP), as detailed in the full policy document. When the responding party is a member of the College community, the SMERP is applicable regardless of the status of the reporting party who may be a member or non-member of the campus community, including students, student organizations, faculty, administrators, staff, guests, visitors, campers, etc. Geneva College reserves the right to act on incidents occurring on-campus or off-campus when the conduct could have an on-campus impact or impact on the educational mission of the College.
Members of the College Community are encouraged to contact the Title IX Coordinator for assistance with understanding their obligations related to compliance under this Policy.
The Dean of Student Development serves as the Title IX Coordinator and oversees implementation of the College’s policy on sex harassment and sex discrimination. The Title IX Coordinator heads the Title IX Team and acts with independence and authority free of conflicts of interest. To raise any concern involving a conflict of interest by the Title IX Coordinator in relation to the SMERP, contact the College President at 724-847-6610. To raise concerns regarding a potential conflict of interest with any other administrator involved in the SMERP, please contact the Title IX Coordinator.
Inquiries about and reports regarding this policy and procedure may be made internally to:
Jamie Swank, Dean of Student Development & Title IX Coordinator
Office of Student Development, 3200 College Avenue, Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania 15010
(724) 847-6136
Inquiries may be made externally to:
Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-1100
Customer Service Hotline #: (800) 421-3481
Facsimile: (202) 453-6012
TDD#: (877) 521-2172
Reports of discrimination, harassment and/or retaliation may be made using any of the following options. There is no time limitation on the filing of allegations. However, if the responding party is no longer subject to the College’s jurisdiction, the ability to investigate and respond may be more limited:
All reports are acted upon promptly and every effort is made by the College to preserve the privacy of reports. Such reports may also be anonymous through the website listed above. To the extent possible, anonymous reports will be investigated to determine if remedies can be provided. Additionally, all responsible employees of the College are designated as mandated reporters and will share a report with the Title IX Coordinator promptly. Confidentiality and mandated reporting is addressed more specifically below. Reports of misconduct or discrimination committed by the Title IX Coordinator should be reported to the College President at 724-847-6610.
The policy applies to behaviors that take place on the campus, at College-sponsored events and may also apply off-campus and to actions online when the Title IX Coordinator determines that the off-campus conduct affects a substantial College interest. A substantial College interest is defined to include any violation of the Title IX policy that also:
Geneva College will act on any formal or informal allegation or notice of violation of this policy that is received by the Title IX Coordinator or a member of the administration, faculty, or other responsible employee.
College procedures apply to all allegations of sexual misconduct involving students, staff or faculty members. These procedures may also be used to address collateral misconduct occurring in conjunction with sexual conduct (e.g.: vandalism, physical abuse of another, etc.). All other allegations of misconduct unrelated to incidents covered by the policy will be addressed through the procedures elaborated in the respective student, faculty and employee handbooks.
Upon notice to the Title IX Coordinator, this resolution process involves a prompt preliminary inquiry to determine if there is reasonable cause to believe the policy has been violated. If so, the College will initiate an investigation that is thorough, reliable, impartial, prompt and fair. The investigation and the subsequent resolution process determines whether the policy has been violated. If so, the College will promptly implement effective remedies designed to end the discrimination, prevent its recurrence and address its effects.